Introspection And The Power Of Becoming Self-Aware – Lesson 3 – A Deeper Understanding Of The Inner Self
Welcome to Lesson 3 in my Introspection And The Power Of Becoming Self-Aware course!
Do you get nervous when somebody asks you what you enjoy? Does it feel weird trying to come up with things you’re passionate about? Are you left deeply uncomfortable by small talk because it revolves around getting to know what makes up who you are?
As terrible as it sounds, you’re not alone. It’s just not something that we think about daily. Think about it, how often do you really sit across from somebody who is trying to get to know you on that deep a level?
You forget about it and the panic only begins when you find yourself in a similar position. You’ve grown so accustomed to living a fast life where the focus is on chasing dreams you forget how to sit back and enjoy life. No wonder you have no idea what your interests and passions are, who has time for that?
Yet, there is nobody walking this earth that is like you. You are a unique person and you have something special to offer the world, whether you realize it or not.
So, let’s talk about how you can get to know yourself on a deeper level. Isn’t that something we’re all looking for?
Having a deeper understanding of what makes up who you are goes beyond your job, status as a parent, or position as a spouse. It goes so much deeper.
When you have a better grip on who you are you, can move forward in your life knowing you’re living a life of passion.
Self-Understanding: The Truth
I need you to sit down before you read this next bit.
Self-improvement and self-understanding are not the same things. Just because you have taken steps previously to improve yourself does not mean you have a deeper understanding of who you are. You might, but it’s not a guarantee.
- Self-improvement is about external success. It’s about gaining new qualities through experiences to create the life you want.
It often results in tunnel vision where your focus is constantly on improvement and improvement only. You hit a goal, you feel satisfied, but now there’s another goal to strive for. It’s constant. There is nothing wrong with this because growth is a natural part of life.
However, if you set off on this path of self-improvement before you did the work to get a grip of self-understanding, are you even heading in the right direction? Who knows?!
- Self-understanding is about internal qualities. It’s about who you are at your core and learning to accept yourself.
There is nothing wrong with growth. It’s commendable. It’s wonderful that so many people want to be the best version of themselves that they can be. That’s natural, it’s in our blood.
However, it’s important that you accept yourself as you are and be comfortable with that.
By having a deep understanding of who you really are, you know where to expand on your strengths and you know how to grow your opportunities.
For example, say you are on a weight loss journey. You recognize that you have gained too much weight and it’s affecting your mood, happiness, and your health, too. You come to a decision, realizing that it’s time to make a change. You feel like you’re doing the right things, but you still find criticisms to throw your way.
You struggled to make the right choices for your weight loss journey because you are tearing yourself down at every turn and setting yourself up for failure.
How do you overcome this?
By actively building yourself up using positive affirmations and encouragement! It seems silly, like a small change, yet it’s one that can radically alter your path.
That’s why it’s so important that you understand the difference between self-understanding and self-improvement. You can have self-improvement without self-understanding, but you shouldn’t.
Know Thyself
Your life is a complex network of systems, it’s all connected. Your mind, soul, and body are intertwined into one giant machine.
When most people consider the answer to who are you? They will say:
- Mom
- Dad
- Son
- Daughter
- Sister
- Plumber
- Lawyer
- Wife
- Husband
- Friend
- Grandmother
For many people who they are is linked to their roles in life. For some, the definition of who they are is closely linked to their career and job.
All of these answers are fine and certainly make up who you are, but there is a much deeper side to the core of oneself that requires a higher level of introspection and understanding of oneself to get in touch with.
The superficial answers to who we are are simple to identify and define. But the deeper self that is within all of us is not so easily identified.
Why should you delve deeper to get in touch with who you really are?
Because that deep-seated perception of yourself by yourself is the core from which your life stems, it is the driver of your thoughts and therefore your actions – be those healthy or unhealthy.
It is a sad thing to go through life without getting to know your deepest self. This is especially true and tragic when you engage in dysfunctional behaviours or attract unhealthy relationships. These things are always rooted in who you are at your deepest level of perception.
Examples Of A Deeper Understanding Of The Inner Self
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