How To Keep The Spark Alive – Lesson 3.5 – Fun Games

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes
Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
(Henry Winkler)

Welcome to Lesson #17 of the How To Keep The Spark Alive course!

The last lesson was about destructive relationship games. They prevent you from engaging in honest communication with each other. You’re now aware of a few of these harmful relationship games and know how to stop them.

For this lesson, let’s take a break and move into some fun games. Just as in the “other” relationship games, these have patterns of behaviour.

Their intention, however, is to facilitate open communication and keep your relationship fun and exciting.

The Fun Games Of A Healing Relationship

In these healthy games, the win is the fun and affirmation at the end of the game.

Establish Fun Rituals For Your Day

The obvious times for rituals are when you say goodbye, hello, and have a mid-day surprise.

Set some fun rituals today with these techniques:

  1. Send each other off for the day with love and affirmation. At the very least, have a meaningful goodbye kiss. Make it more fun by including special words.
  2. Cell phones make it easy to text a quick “I love you” or words of affirmation at least once during the day.
    • These little texts often arrive at the perfect time to lift your loved one’s day.
    • You could also sneak a sweet note into their lunch, purse, or briefcase.
  3. At the end of the day, demonstrate how much you missed them. Work days are usually long and often stressful. An excited greeting and big hug can do wonders to help both of you switch your mindset from work to family time.

Unexpected Rituals Of Love

What do you do or say that makes your partner grin? What does your partner do or say that puts a grin on your face and a bounce to your step? Notice what warms your partner’s heart and then make plans to do it again and again.

Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, says that each person has one of five ways in which demonstrations of love are most meaningful to them:

  1. Receiving Gifts.
  2. Words of Affirmation.
  3. Physical Touch.
  4. Quality Time.
  5. Acts of Service or Devotion.

Different people respond to different signs of love.

Use these strategies to discover your partner’s preferred love language:

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