How To Keep The Spark Alive – Lesson 3.1 – Common Challenges

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes
Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.
(Madame de Stael)

Welcome to Module 3 of the “How To Keep The Spark Alive” course!

Every relationship has its challenges. Frequently, those challenges are based upon misinterpretations and the lack of communication. Have you heard the expression, “Forewarned is forearmed?” When you know that something might happen, you’ll be better prepared for it.

Prepare now for the common challenges which can arise in your relationship. This can prevent heartache later. This module is all about preparation, so your relationship will remain strong and intimate, even amidst stress that may be happening in your lives.

Let’s Get Started On Lesson 13

Congratulations! You’ve learned much about communication styles and ways to communicate. Keep practising what you’ve learned. When something is ingrained in you, you’ll have ready access to it during stressful situations.

In this chapter, you’ll revisit some potential challenges discussed in Module 1. Now, we’ll talk about how to communicate with each other about it.

The Power In Money

Consider this: the one who has the most money, has the most power. You may not realize that, but it plays out in relationships whether you’re married or not.

Some couples have challenges regarding money almost immediately. For others, the difficulty may not happen until much later, if at all.

When One Of You Doesn’t Do What They Say They Will

When one of you has gone against your agreement, it’s important to sit down together and resolve the issue.

The one who violated the agreement may feel guilty and defensive. The other partner may feel violated and betrayed.

Not talking about what happened can create resentments which carry over to other areas of your relationship.

Follow this process to discuss the issue:

  1. Set a time to talk about the situation. You both want to be as calm as possible.
  2. Ask questions. Ask questions calmly and be in listening mode so the other can express themselves.
  3. Share feelings. Each of you share your feelings about what happened.
  4. What did you learn? Share what each of you learned from the experience.
  5. Make a plan. Develop a new agreement or renew your commitment to your old plan.
  6. Keep your word to each other. If it happens again, you may need a third party to assist you.

When Life Gets Difficult For One Of You

The primary thing to remember is that needs change and situations change.

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