How To Find True Love – Lesson 1.7 – Do You Love You?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes
Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give.
(Bertrand Russell)

Welcome to Lesson #7 of the How To Find True Love course, and the final one of Module 1!

Relationships are the most fulfilling and yet painful teachers in life. In relationships you learn the type of people you’re attracted to and what characteristics drive you crazy. You also discover how weak or strong you are in staying true to yourself.

You Deserve The Best

Have you heard someone say, “I lost myself in that relationship”?

You know how the relationship began. There was passion, exuberance, joy, and the belief this was The One. The beginning had all the qualities of infatuation. Both people probably thought this was their Soulmate. Both had brains producing oxytocin, phenylethylamine, and endorphins. It felt so right – yet it wasn’t.

In the end it was painful.

If you don’t know what’s important to you, you’re in danger of choosing the wrong person as a partner. It’s important to have a firm commitment to yourself to overcome the chemical attraction to somebody who is not compatible with your life goals and dreams.

You may have found your beloved but has your beloved lost themselves? Are you strong enough to tell somebody on a self-destructive path, “If I had two lives, I’d give you one. I’m not going to give you my only one”?

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in life or what was done to you. You deserve the best. You deserve love and joy.

Make choices about who and what you have in your life that prove to yourself and others that you deserve the best in life.

Know What You Want In Life

If your dream was to have a life-long marriage in which you raised children together, had backyard parties, and the focus was your home life, that won’t happen with somebody who isn’t interested in having children or a permanent commitment.

No matter how much you love somebody, no matter how strongly you feel about somebody, you can’t change them if they don’t want to change. Don’t be one of the many broken-hearted who thought your love was so true they would see it your way.

You are the one responsible for your life. Nobody can make you happy. Happiness comes from within. Happiness comes from being comfortable with yourself and following the dreams you have in your heart.

Are your dreams and passions compatible with the person you’re with? The intensity of the beginning of a relationship will not last forever. The daily routines of life take over and you will wonder what happened to the passion.

Know How You Want To Be Treated

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