20 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Rumi
This article contains 20 thought-provoking quotations by the Persian poet, scholar, Sufi mystic, and theologian, Rumi, who is also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī, Mevlânâ/Mawlānā, Mevlevî/Mawlawī.

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

“If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.”

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”

“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?”

“Poetry can be dangerous, especially beautiful poetry, because it gives the illusion of having had the experience without actually going through it.”

“Clean out your ears, don’t listen for what you already know.”

“Two there are who are never satisfied – the lover of the world and the lover of knowledge.”

“When we practice loving kindness and compassion we are the first ones to profit.”

“Why should I be weary when every cell of my body is bursting with life?”

“Don’t make yourself miserable with what is to come or not to come.”

“If you want money more than anything, you’ll be bought and sold your whole life.”

“Be a helpful friend, and you will become a green tree with always new fruit, always deeper journeys into love.”

“What will our children do in the morning if they do not see us fly?”

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”

“A little while alone in your room will prove more valuable than anything else that could ever be given you.”

“Today, let us swim wildly, joyously in gratitude.”

“The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.”
I hope you find these quotations thought-provoking – it was difficult to choose just 20 from the hundreds that are attributed to him.
You can also download a file containing all 20 of the above images if you want to use them as wallpaper on your computer, for example – just click here.
(This file is a Zip file, so if you don’t have the means to unzip it, you can get a free trial of WinZip here.)
Additional Resources
These are suggestions for those who wish to delve deeper into any of the above: