Keto For Beginners – The Complete Guide To The Keto Diet
Keto may be your key to a healthy lifestyle. It can help you to have higher energy levels, lose fat quickly, and feel generally better. If these are all things that you’re looking for then Keto may be your answer. Many, many people have used Keto to transition their life. You could as well.
In order to use the Keto plan in a beneficial way, it is necessary to have an understanding of our body’s processes. Then you can know when you will be able to interrupt these processes and make adjustments.
There have been many fad diets over the years including Atkins, Weight Watchers, Slimming World, South Beach and hundreds of others. It isn’t helpful to get caught up in some of these crazes for most people because they will likely be unable to sustain weight loss.
This is because people will restrict their body’s caloric intake and eat food that bores them, which leads to binging and purging. This kind of disordered eating is not the solution if you are feeling unhappy and unhealthy in your skin.
The Atkins diet is one of these fad diets that can be actually helpful, even though it’s long surpassed its popular days. Now people consider it old-fashioned. However, Keto and the Atkins diet are actually quite similar because of their low-carb ways.
Low-Carb Diets
Low-carb diets can be especially helpful for people who have diabetes. This is because they help manage blood sugar struggles and insulin levels.
Our body processes sugar by breaking down the carbs that we consume. We break them down into glucose, which is sugar. Therefore when we eat carbs, our blood sugar levels increase.
What insulin does is allows us to reduce the quick blood sugar level change and bring it back to baseline. When our bodies are having to produce high amounts of insulin to bring the blood sugar level to normal, we are likely experiencing prediabetes or diabetes.
Because people these days are consuming carbs and sugar at such a high rate, diabetes and metabolic disorders are very common. If you notice when you go out into the community how many people are drinking sugary coffees, eating fast food, and are overweight, you shouldn’t be surprised to know that diabetes is a very common experience.
Statistics show that 1 in 3 US adults have prediabetes and 1 in 10 have diabetes, and these numbers would be reduced if more people were eating fewer carbs – which is what the Keto diet will do for you.
Diet Changes Have Caused Obesity
Unfortunately, many people are overweight and it’s because of this that our rates of diabetes are so high. The rate of people who are overweight has increased by 15 percent since the 1980s.
Research suggests that this could be related to how our diets have changed to have higher levels of fat, oil, and sugar. Many people could benefit from learning about proper nutrition.
It appears that even our food pyramid could be getting it wrong. It recommends that we consume 6 – 11 portions of carbs per day, and up to 4 portions of fruit per day, and while the sugars in fruit are natural, it’s still sugar.
And yet, it is still what professionals are recommending that we follow. This could be poor advice leading to negative outcomes.
Trust Your Body To Do Its Thing
Learning about your body can do so much where your health is concerned.
Gluconeogenesis is the process that allows your body to create glucose. We do this by converting glycerol into glucose. This is all thanks to our livers. We derive glycerol from the fats in our diet and therefore we don’t need carbohydrates or sugars. We crave them, but we do not need them in order to create glucose.
High fat diets are not unhealthy the way that we have been told to believe that they are. Research has shown this to be false. Research with over 900,000 participants showed that our bodies can eat saturated and monosaturated fat without any risks associated.
Fats aren’t awful for our bodies the way that people have been saying. They are essential to our overall wellbeing and our health. There is not a delineation between good and bad fats the way that we have been told either. Most fats are good for us.
Ketones, Ketosis And Ketogenic Diets
We can be grateful to fats for giving us energy. It is the most efficient kind of energy that we can create. This is why you often see ultra-marathon runners eating bacon burgers and fried chicken during their races. They need the energy from high-fat foods.
What happens when we adjust to a high fat and high protein diet is that our body creates ketones when we have a low carb intake.
This is the process called ketosis that you hope to be in while on the Keto diet.
Ketones allow our bodies to be energized. If you are following the Keto diet correctly, you should feel extremely energized – all while eating very few carbs.
This is a great adjustment. You have to train your body to forget about dieting and think about this as a lifestyle change.
What Is The Keto Diet?
The Keto diet is becoming very popular because people can eat some of their favourites on it, such as bacon and eggs or cheeseburgers (minus the bun of course).
On the Keto diet you are encouraged to eat fresh produce and meats that are high in protein while reducing your carbs. You should also cut out processed foods. You will get oils, fat, and vegetables everyday.
This diet will be difficult in the beginning because it’s an adjustment period from the way you have likely been eating your entire life. However, once you’re through that transition, it is a fairly easy lifestyle to maintain.
Its benefits include weight loss, reduced likelihood of developing diabetes and having a stroke, reduced likelihood of having dementia, epilepsy, and other chronic health conditions.
This diet should allow you to feel full longer and with higher energy. This will help you maintain the lifestyle that you want where you work full-time without that afternoon slump or where you hike all day and never want a nap.
You may be wondering what the issue is with carbohydrates. Carbs produce blood glucose and this can spike and then plummet your blood sugar, which confuses your body and can result in type 2 diabetes.
So, Why Go Keto?
Going Keto allows our bodies to become machines where burning fat is concerned. We will also be consuming fewer calories because the high calorie content of the fatty foods will sustain us longer.
We will not be experiencing the highs and lows of adjustments in our blood sugar because we won’t be consuming the high carbs. This will ensure that our energy levels are sustained through the day, thus increasing our productivity levels and likely our joy.
Long-term benefits include an improved health status as I discussed previously, weight loss and sustaining weight, reduction in blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels, and improved brain functioning.
Starting A Ketogenic Diet
Starting the Keto diet may seem difficult but it does not need to be a difficult transition. Your primary source of energy will be from experiencing ketosis. Therefore you will be seeking a state of ketosis constantly. This will allow you to quickly burn fat, even the fat that you have been storing away.
Becoming Keto-Adapted

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