How To Find True Love – Lesson 1.6 – Un-Crushing The Crush

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.

Welcome to Lesson #6 of the How To Find True Love course!

You’ve learned about the intensity of “falling in love” and the familiarity of the past.

These elements explain why breaking up causes such intense emotional and physical pain.

In this lesson you’ll learn strategies to make it through the break-up as quickly as possible.

Techniques To Move Through Your Break-Up

  1. Be determined. It’s important for you to decide to let the person go emotionally. Then gather all your determination to follow through on your decision.
    • Taking the steps necessary to let somebody go is a gift you give yourself.
    • Breaking up is a painful process. Make it as painless and as quick as possible.
  2. Quit making the chemicals. You have a pattern in your brain devoted to the person you were with.
    • The key is to lessen the strength of that pattern. When the chemicals produced end, it will be easier to let the person go.
    • The more you think about the person, the more chemicals your body makes.
  3. Quit thinking about them. They’re not far from your thoughts. A song on the radio, driving by a favourite place, seeing a picture or their name brings back the feelings and the pain. As the motto goes, “Be prepared!”
    • When you catch yourself thinking about them, think about something else.
    • Prepare for this by having a “filing cabinet” in your mind. In your filing cabinet place the high points of your life without your former partner. This could be favourite vacations, achievements, and such.
    • Pull yourself away from your memories or thoughts of your ex as quickly as possible.
  4. Find something to do with your time. Relationships occupy a great deal of time. Now that you no longer have a partner, you have more free time than you know what to do with.
    • What did you do before this relationship? Who did you hang around with before? Rekindle those relationships and begin doing again the things you let go of during the relationship.
    • Do something totally different. Learn a new skill. Visit family or friends you haven’t seen in a while.
  5. Exorcise your pain. This seems contradictory to the “quit thinking about your ex” tip, but it helps.

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