Healing From Your Break-Up – Lesson 3.2 – Align Your Beliefs To Releasing Pain
(Genevieve Rhode)
Welcome to Lesson #7 of the Healing From Your Break-Up course!
You learned in the last lesson that you have the personal power to release your emotional pain through forgiveness. All you need to do is follow the exercises, so take them one step at a time.
In this lesson you’ll begin your journey by aligning your beliefs to your goal of releasing all that pain. You’ll do this by giving direct messages to your subconscious mind, which lays the foundation for the other exercises which follow.
Give Your Subconscious Mind Directions
You may not know it, but your subconscious mind runs your life. You know those things you do automatically? That’s your subconscious mind at work making your life easier.
Your subconscious mind can also make life difficult when it’s working with outdated information. That information was great when you were a child. It may have been exactly what you wanted last week, but this week you need something different.
You can upgrade the data in your subconscious mind easily by telling it the following:
- How you want your life to look.
- What you want to hear from others and yourself.
- The types of feelings you want to have.
- What smells you want.
- What you want to taste.
Just like a software upgrade for a particular program, this upgrade is for a specific belief. You’re going to be installing within your subconscious mind the beliefs (the software) you need to achieve your goal of eliminating the painful past from your life.
Upgrading The Beliefs In Your Subconscious Mind
There are two steps to upgrading your beliefs:
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