Brain Training For Success – Lesson 3.5 – Develop New, Empowering Habits

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.
(Mark Caine)

Welcome to Lesson #18 of the Brain Training for Success course!

Swapping a negative habit for a positive habit is a powerful success skill.

However, there are times when installing a new habit is necessary, even if there isn’t a negative habit to replace.

You’ll have a better understanding of how to create new habits by the completion of this lesson.

There may be times when you don’t actually have a negative habit that thwarts you from living the life you desire. Instead, you just don’t do anything to actually work to achieve the goals and success that you want.

During these times, you could develop new, empowering habits.

Once a positive action that you decide to do becomes a habit, you’ll do it automatically without even thinking about it.

So positive habits you develop on your own make it easier for you to create the life you desire.

Case Vignette #3

Here’s another hypothetical case vignette to illustrate how you can develop a positive habit.

You want to get more promotions at work so you’ll make more money and become one of the resident experts in your field.

But for some reason, you’ve never really invested any of your personal time in your work. You don’t read journals, trade magazines, or even brief articles on the internet about your career.

The thing is, you really like your job and love it when your supervisor gives you projects that really challenge you.

So how can you set up your life so that you invest a bit of your personal time to expand your professional knowledge and horizons?

Examine these suggestions:

  1. Subscribe to a professional or trade journal in your field. To excel in your work, you must have tangible evidence of your career. Place books and journals on a coffee table and your bedside table. These are your situational cues to devote time to your study at home.
  2. Schedule time in your day to read about your profession and explore trending topics related to your job. Even 30 minutes a day consistently will whet your appetite to delve more into your profession and the specific areas that interest you. If you can, establish your study time to occur at the same time each day.
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