Brain Training For Success – Lesson 5.4 – Gather Your Resources

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
There’s a way to do it better – find it.
(Thomas A. Edison)

Welcome to Lesson #28 of the Brain Training for Success course!

The previous lesson was about the importance of balance in your life. When your life is out of balance, it’s easy to be unhappy.

This lesson deals with resources – determining your resources and gathering them together.

Any plan requires resources to execute, which is why it’s important to ensure that you have what you need in place.

For most goals, you’re going to need more than just yourself with your current level of knowledge and expertise.

You’ll often require other people, advice, education, and new skills.

And of course the internet makes it much easier to find the people and other resources you require.

Determine What You Need To Learn

Do you already know everything you need to know in order to be successful?

Most importantly, do you know enough to get started?

What do you need to learn to take the first step?

Remember all the potential resources available to you.

  • Internet
  • Books
  • Online courses
  • Local educational facilities
  • Clubs
  • Audio programs
  • YouTube and other videos
  • People

A Mentor Can Be The Most Valuable Resource

Imagine having access to someone that’s accomplished what you’re trying to accomplish.

Unless your goal is highly unusual, someone else has already done it.

So seek out these people and ask for assistance.

You’ve probably had a golf coach, piano teacher, or other type of mentor in the past, so it makes sense to have a coach for losing weight or launching an online business too.


Do you have the necessary time available?

Some goals don’t require any more money than you’re already spending. Sticking to a budget might actually save time since you won’t be out spending money as much.

However, most goals require time. Unless you currently have free time to spare, you’ll have to steal time from other activities.

Surfing the internet, playing on your phone, and watching TV are the most common time-wasters.

You may have to drop some more meaningful activities too.

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