Brain Training For Success – Lesson 5.2 – Design Your Life

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.

Welcome to Lesson #26 of the Brain Training for Success course!

Your past is a gift you can use to determine your future. The clues your previous behaviors and results provide can be used to create the future of your dreams.

Now, let’s take a look at designing a life that will put a smile on your face when the alarm clock wakes you up each morning.

Before deciding that you’d like to be a billionaire with a private jet and a set of 6-pack abs, determine the type of lifestyle you’d like to live.

Your goals should support the life you’d like to live.

Think about a perfect workday, weekend, and holiday. Ideally, your goals will help to make those a reality.

Determine the lifestyle you’d like to live:

How Do You Want To Make Money?

With few exceptions, every adult needs to earn money to survive. The ways of earning money are only limited by your imagination.

  • Do you want to make money by being altruistic?
  • Do you want a corporate career?
  • Do you want to be creative?
  • Be a doctor? Astronaut? Real estate investor? Consultant?
  • Work with children?
  • Work with animals?

What Working Conditions Do You Prefer?

Some people like to work in an office setting. Others like to work at home.

  • Day/night?
  • With others or alone?
  • Required attire?
  • Weekends?
  • What time do you want to be home each evening?
  • Are you willing to travel? Do you want to travel?
  • Do you need your own office or is a loft-type setting preferable?

How Are Your Finances?

You don’t need a 7-figure salary to be happy, but it’s also not easy to be happy with a 4-figure salary.

  • Are you able to maintain your budget?
  • Do you even have a budget?
  • How much debt do you have?
  • Is your income acceptable?
  • Is your money invested wisely for your situation?
  • Will you be able to retire at a reasonable age?

Intimate relationships are important.

Do you want to be married or single?

Play the field or keep things monogamous?

What do you need from a romantic partner?

Consider the following characteristics a potential romantic partner might have.

  • Attractiveness
  • Career
  • Available free time
  • Sense of humor
  • Supportiveness
  • Tolerance
  • Health
  • Intelligence
  • Kindness
  • Interest in having children
  • And so on.

If you currently have a relationship, what is missing?

What could be better?

Are you satisfied with the relationship as it is?

Your Free Time Affects Your Happiness And Satisfaction

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