Brain Training For Success – Lesson 4.4 – 8 Habits That Guarantee Success

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.
(Paul J. Meyer)

Welcome to Lesson #23 of the Brain Training for Success course!

In the last lesson, you became acquainted with strategies to help you break bad habits one day at a time.

Even if you only attack one habit a month, that’s 12 habits in a year. That’s enough to make a monumental difference in your life.

Now we’re going to put the focus on positive habits.

There are several general habits that will aid any adult regardless of their goals.

We have far more habits than we realize. It’s been said that successful people merely have successful habits.

Success takes time, and habits repeat themselves over time. Your individual habits each serve to move you closer to success or make success more challenging.

There are only 24 hours in a day, so it’s not possible to have an unlimited number of habits.

Choosing the most effective habits is a big responsibility!

Add these habits to your life and increase your success:

Make A To-Do List Each Night

Start the day with a bang by having carefully chosen your activities and priorities for the following day.

You’ll sleep better by having one less thing on your mind.

You’ll get more done by not spending your morning trying to plan your day.

Ruthlessly Prioritize Your Activities

No matter what your goal might be, there is one action that is more important than the rest.

Determine that action and make it your focus until it is complete.

After making your To-Do list, chisel it down to the most important activity and start your day there.

While others are focused on doing what’s easiest, you’ll be working on what’s most effective.

The difference is considerable.

Get 7-8 Hours Of Sleep

Many claim to do just fine on four to six hours of sleep, but recent studies have shown that no one is as effective with six hours of sleep as they are with seven.

If you’re getting less than seven hours each night, you’re under-performing.

Meditate Or Pray Each Day

Getting in touch with your spirituality is important to your creativity and the overall balance in your life.

Fifteen minutes a day provides a nice break and the opportunity to regroup.

Review Your Goals At Least Once Per Day

Continue to remind yourself of your objectives.

Your brain is wonderful at finding solutions, so keep reminding it of the primary challenge in your life.

Reviewing your goals creates and maintains a target.

Review Your Day Each Night

Imagine how much easier life would be if you avoided making the same mistakes.

Reviewing your day and acknowledging your successes and failures is an effective way to avoid making the same errors over and over.

Start with the morning and work sequentially through your day.

  • Ask yourself, “What could I have done better?” Establish a more effective alternative for the next time.
  • Also be sure to review your successes. Labeling them as such will increase the likelihood of them happening again.

Exercise Daily

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