A Year’s Worth Of Affirmations To Help You Love Yourself

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes

In a recent blog article about people who feel that they have nobody to talk to, I mentioned that one way to help develop self-love was to use affirmations.

To help you put that idea into practice, I have created this article which lists at least a year’s worth of affirmations you could use, if you’re not sure how to get started.

How To Use The Affirmations

These affirmations are listed in a random order, to avoid any implied preference (because what works for somebody else may not work for you), and each day, this is what you should do:

  1. Choose one of the following affirmations, at random, in order, or based on whichever one resonates with you.
  2. Write it down, on a piece of paper or Post-It note, in an app on your phone, on your computer – anywhere where you will be able to see it throughout the day. You might even want to put it in multiple locations (e.g. on the fridge, by the bathroom mirror, by the front door, on your car dashboard, on your desk at work).
  3. Consciously say the affirmation (preferably out loud (but this will depend on whether you’re alone or care that people think you’re a bit crazy when you talk to yourself 🙂 ), at least five times throughout the course of the day – or more, if needed.
  4. As you continue to do this each day, notice how this simple activity will help you increase your self-love.


So, here are the affirmations, and although I said there’s a year’s worth, it turns out I didn’t know when to stop, since there are actually 374 in total:

  1. I see my body as my best friend and closest partner in life.
  2. I deserve good things.
  3. I have a lot of gifts, skills and abilities.
  4. I am growing each and every day.
  5. I am centred, peaceful, and grounded.
  6. My life is filled with love and joy.
  7. Being confident comes easily to me.
  8. I am attracting good things in my life.
  9. My inner world creates my outer world.
  10. My mind and body are healthier and stronger every day.
  11. I am infinite, eternal and love.
  12. I feel completely comfortable with myself and accept myself with love, respect and appreciation.
  13. I practise self-love without hurting anybody’s feelings.
  14. Loving myself means I am able to love others more.
  15. When I practise self-love, I become more lovable.
  16. I am open to receive love.
  17. My body is a beautiful expression of my individuality.
  18. I am in control of my own actions.
  19. I am creating a beautiful life.
  20. I replace “I must”, “I should” and “I have to” with “I choose”.
  21. I love and treasure my body.
  22. I love my body and all it does for me.
  23. I trust in my ability to make it through difficult times.
  24. I have everything I need.
  25. I have infinite capacity for love and affection.
  26. I love and respect myself for who I am.
  27. I appreciate everything I have.
  28. I have the strength to fulfill my dreams.
  29. I am magnificent.
  30. I am blanketed in the Universes’ loving energy.
  31. Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life.
  32. I’m deserving of the very best in my life.
  33. I am abundant.
  34. I honour my own life path.
  35. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  36. I am safe. I am supported. I am protected.
  37. I am a healer, of my own life and of others.
  38. I am wanted.
  39. I deserve success and wealth.
  40. I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
  41. I do not need someone else to feel happiness.
  42. Happiness streams from me freely.
  43. I am fierce.
  44. I choose to nourish my health.
  45. My self-esteem is growing day by day.
  46. I am capable of loving fully and completely.
  47. Everything I need is within me.
  48. I have so much to celebrate in life.
  49. Unconditional self-love is the best medicine to success.
  50. I am not my mistakes.
  51. I love myself and I love the world.
  52. I trust in my abilities.
  53. I am concerned with the solution and every problem in my life can be solved.
  54. I am not my mistakes or my flaws.
  55. It’s okay to be afraid, but I decide to go anyway.
  56. My mind is full of gratitude for my wonderful and beautiful life.
  57. I am the healer of my own life.
  58. I practice self-compassion when I do not succeed.
  59. I am strong and resilient.
  60. I am sure that I can survive and thrive through any challenge.
  61. I let my love for myself increase each day.
  62. I am the epitome of self-love.
  63. I make time to care for myself.
  64. I have the strength to rise in the face of adversity.
  65. I am very secure with myself.
  66. I listen to my advice from within.
  67. I love my body and take good care of it by all means.
  68. I control my fears, they do not control me.
  69. I release my conviction that someone else’s approval is necessary.
  70. I send love to my fears and doubts.
  71. Every part of my body radiates beauty.
  72. I radiate confidence.
  73. I successfully release the need for thoughts that cause harmful emotions like jealousy, hatred, etc.
  74. I will stand my ground and defend myself.
  75. I deflect negativity.
  76. My body, mind and soul are the picture of perfect health.
  77. I am worthy of love, peace, and joy.
  78. I am loved beyond comprehension.
  79. I am confident and strong.
  80. Today I start loving myself more.
  81. I am exactly who I need to be in this moment.
  82. Self-appreciation and self-love come to me with ease.
  83. Life gives me opportunities for success and achievement in the ways I desire.
  84. My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
  85. I am enough.
  86. I can say no when something does not serve me.
  87. I have worth and inner beauty.
  88. I have a warm and caring heart.
  89. I have the power to change my world.
  90. The more I love myself, the better my overall health.
  91. Love brings me youthfulness, energy, and rejuvenates me.
  92. I am a diamond-in-the-rough, all I need is some polishing.
  93. I let go of negative self-talk.
  94. People are attracted to being with me.
  95. I allow myself to feel deeply.
  96. I accept that to err is human and I forgive myself for all my mistakes.
  97. I love to meet strangers and approach them with passion and bravery.
  98. I make a difference in the world.
  99. My life is a place of balance and harmony.
  100. I have a great potential within me.
  101. Believing in myself comes naturally to me.
  102. I overcome challenges with grace and ease.
  103. I am deserving of love.
  104. I replace miserable thoughts by happy and loving thoughts.
  105. The love within me flows through me in every situation.
  106. I trust my intuition.
  107. My every step is one of courage.
  108. I do not judge myself or others.
  109. I deserve everything that’s great and eliminate all need for suffering and misery.
  110. I let go of those who do not have my best interests at heart.
  111. I am exactly where I need to be.
  112. I have the ability to overcome any challenge life gives me.
  113. I am powerful and confident.
  114. I have all I need to live a happy life.
  115. The only approval I’ll ever need is mine.
  116. I am worthy of love.
  117. I attract positive and loving people into my life.
  118. I carry strength and resilience with me.
  119. With all my ideas, I promote success and prosperity.
  120. I’m aware of all the ways I fight.
  121. I have an endless ability to love and respect.
  122. All of my decisions are inspired from inner wisdom and compassion.
  123. I am a valuable person and I try to be as much useful to everybody as possible.
  124. I can make my own choices and decisions.
  125. I am loved.
  126. My life is full of love.
  127. Every day I like myself better and better.
  128. Love flows from within me.
  129. I am grateful for all that I have.
  130. Nothing stands in the way of my self-love. I can choose self-love now.
  131. I will care for myself as much as I care for others.
  132. I love the woman/man that I am.
  133. My individuality is important.
  134. I am loving myself and it feels wonderful.
  135. I am valued.
  136. I choose not to take it personally.
  137. I attract only people who respect me.
  138. I am who I need to be,
  139. I am not afraid to feel my feelings.
  140. I deserve to be happy.
  141. I am worthy of success and happiness.
  142. I am successful.
  143. I deserve love.
  144. My body is my best friend.
  145. I am whole alone.
  146. I am worthy of having great relationships.
  147. Self-love comes to me with ease.
  148. I respect myself.
  149. What I give is what I receive.
  150. I am exuberant and filled with love for who I am.
  151. I am powerful, confident, and capable of reaching all my dreams.
  152. I believe in myself.
  153. My body’s purpose is to be love and share love.
  154. My life is a place of happiness and love.
  155. I clear any ways I have become disheartened.
  156. My life is full of endless opportunities for success and happiness.
  157. I believe in me.
  158. I am powerful beyond my wildest dreams.
  159. I am kind to myself.
  160. I will allow myself to shine.
  161. I have very high self esteem.
  162. I am a work of art.
  163. I am worthy of making my dreams come true.
  164. Self-love is not a luxury but a necessity.
  165. My capacity for love is infinite.
  166. I am not my body, I am free.
  167. I am whole.
  168. I forgive all those who have harmed me in the past and move forward with a pure heart.
  169. I am OK as I am.
  170. I am own best friend. I am also a friend to the world.
  171. I am in control of my happiness.
  172. Loving myself is easy for me now.
  173. I respect my boundaries.
  174. I choose to see this differently.
  175. I nourish my soul and answer to my true hungers.
  176. I am balanced.
  177. I have come this far, and I can keep going.
  178. I have always and will always try my best.
  179. Love rises from my heart in the face of difficulty.
  180. I feel profound empathy and love for others and their own unique paths.
  181. My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts.
  182. I forgive myself and learn from my mistakes.
  183. Loving myself comes easily and naturally.
  184. I am authentic, true, and expressive.
  185. I radiate love.
  186. I will not take criticism personally.
  187. Everything is perfect in my life because I deal love and acceptance with the world.
  188. I will be assertive when I need to be.
  189. I am peace.
  190. I value and honour my boundaries.
  191. I release any need for misery and suffering.
  192. I have a caring heart.
  193. I walk this world with grace.
  194. I attract love and light.
  195. I am improving every day.
  196. All Is well.
  197. I will focus on the bright side.
  198. I’m my biggest authority.
  199. I believe in my abilities.
  200. Abundance and love flow from me.
  201. I am delightful.
  202. I have complete, unconditional love within me.
  203. Life is rewarding.
  204. Self-love comes naturally to me and I am richly rewarded for it.
  205. I follow my own expectations, not the expectations of others.
  206. I let go of all reasons and excuses for not loving myself.
  207. Today, I choose me.
  208. I am happy and full of joy.
  209. The more I practice loving myself, the more lovable I become.
  210. I am a good person.
  211. My imperfections make me unique and special.
  212. I treat my body with love and care.
  213. I love every facet of my existence.
  214. I accept compliments easily.
  215. I have wonderful talents to share with the world.
  216. I am free to make my own choices and decisions.
  217. I love myself more each and every day.
  218. Others accept and love me for who I am.
  219. I see my struggles as opportunities to grow and learn.
  220. I have power to change anything I want.
  221. My life is a celebration of what I have accomplished.
  222. I deserve happiness.
  223. The only approval I need is my own.
  224. I feel at peace with my appearance.
  225. I do not need anyone to feel worthy.
  226. I am deserving of happiness, love, peace, freedom, money and anything else I desire.
  227. I radiate confidence, self-respect and inner harmony.
  228. I am a wise, intelligent, creative, caring and loving spiritual being.
  229. I release the need to judge myself negatively.
  230. I am true.
  231. I have always and will continue to always try my best.
  232. I release the need to judge myself and my body.
  233. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  234. I am nothing but pure beauty.
  235. I am growing and learning each and everyday.
  236. I am love.
  237. I am beautiful, inside and out.
  238. I release any need for suffering.
  239. I deserve to be treated with respect.
  240. Today I am ready to fail to get success.
  241. I lovingly embrace all my fears.
  242. I prioritize myself and my needs.
  243. I honor and respect my limitations.
  244. I have achieved great things.
  245. The universe supports me, always.
  246. I am certain.
  247. I love the person I am becoming.
  248. I can do anything that I’m concentrating on.
  249. I let go of my past and live in the present.
  250. I love my own company.
  251. Deciding to love myself is a good decision.
  252. I have so much to love about myself.
  253. I have unique abilities.
  254. I am becoming the person I want to be.
  255. My life is a reflection of the love inside me.
  256. I radiate with self confidence.
  257. I stand my ground and protect myself with compassionate assertiveness.
  258. I trust myself and I have great self-esteem.
  259. Throughout my career, I just attract the best situations and the best people.
  260. Today, I choose myself.
  261. I feel pride in myself.
  262. I honour my inner voice.
  263. I am in control of my life.
  264. My decisions are based on inner wisdom.
  265. I release all set of beliefs that I’m not good enough.
  266. I forgive myself for not loving myself.
  267. I deserve all that is good.
  268. I love and accept all of me.
  269. I reward myself for my hard work and dedication.
  270. I am not my negative thoughts or emotions.
  271. I expel the belief that I am not innovative, wise, or spiritual.
  272. I say “no” with ease.
  273. I accept others as they are and they in turn accept me as I am.
  274. I am worthy of respect and appreciation.
  275. I feel beautiful, I am beautiful.
  276. I attract wonderful people into my life.
  277. I am not the sum of my mistakes.
  278. I choose to view my life positively.
  279. I can be happy with only one friend provided that friend is myself.
  280. I have a positive and healing effect on others.
  281. I love myself.
  282. I celebrate my many successes.
  283. I’m a diamond already. It’s time to shine.
  284. I am a work of art, cherished and admired.
  285. I believe in the person I dream of becoming.
  286. I have a lot to offer the world.
  287. I make a difference in this world with my presence.
  288. I honour and respect my limitations and thank myself for the capabilities I do have.
  289. I shall never quit.
  290. I’m blessed with an amazing family and great friends.
  291. I value my worth.
  292. I deserve having what I want.
  293. I have a loving relationship with my body.
  294. I honor my own life path.
  295. Life is filled with joy and abundance.
  296. I love the body I was born with.
  297. I am more than a body.
  298. I adapt to change easily.
  299. I consciously release the past and live only in the present.
  300. I can choose self-love whenever I desire.
  301. I am worthy of love and attention.
  302. My high self-esteem makes it possible for me to trust others and be valued in return.
  303. I embrace my unique individuality.
  304. I accept myself for what I am and I constantly try to better myself.
  305. I am proud of myself.
  306. I am empowered to create change in my life.
  307. I eliminate negative thoughts and always embrace positive ones.
  308. I am a radiant and joyous person.
  309. I am capable of reaching my goals.
  310. I am confident in my individuality.
  311. I respect my accomplishments and celebrate my successes.
  312. I trust in my ability to survive and thrive through any obstacle.
  313. I have the utmost respect to myself.
  314. I am more than my body.
  315. I do not let my fears hold me back.
  316. I’m at ease with everything in my life that’s happened.
  317. I love myself, always and completely.
  318. Negativity has no place in my life.
  319. I love every part of what makes me who I am.
  320. I take responsibility for who I am: the bad and the good.
  321. I clear all the ways in which I offer my power to the authorities.
  322. I am becoming more prosperous every day.
  323. Love flows freely from inside of me.
  324. I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.
  325. Success is defined by my willingness to keep going.
  326. I rock people’s socks.
  327. My thoughts are valuable.
  328. My inner beauty shines brightly
  329. I encourage myself to enjoy life and play.
  330. I respect my own boundaries.
  331. Life is fun.
  332. I have the tools I need to achieve my dreams.
  333. I make good and wise decisions.
  334. My life is a celebration of my accomplishments.
  335. My relationship with my body is one of perfect harmony.
  336. I am pure beauty.
  337. I did not get up today to be average – I will excel!
  338. I am worthy of love and joy affirmations for self-love.
  339. I choose to be grateful for all that I have.
  340. I accept and respect what I am and all I have done.
  341. I embrace my flaws knowing that nobody is perfect.
  342. I let love in.
  343. I radiate love, peace and happiness.
  344. I’m thinking about all the ways I ignored my own needs.
  345. My self-esteem grows in proportion to my self-love.
  346. I’m a unique and very special person, worthy of respect from others.
  347. Every day my self worth is growing.
  348. I am love incarnated.
  349. I deserve the good that happens to me.
  350. My confidence is soaring.
  351. I let go of that which no longer serves me.
  352. I trust my body’s natural wisdom.
  353. I accept self-love as a way of life and I refuse to let people influence me in any other way.
  354. I am a magnet of love.
  355. I accept myself unconditionally.
  356. I have much to celebrate about myself and my life.
  357. I love myself unconditionally and accept myself as I am.
  358. I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
  359. I am open to receive abundance and prosperity.
  360. I love the person that I am.
  361. My life is founded on respect for myself and others.
  362. I have my back.
  363. I am a beautiful person.
  364. My body reflects my personality perfectly.
  365. I have everything I need within myself.
  366. Even though I don’t feel worthy right now, I know deep down that I am worthy of love, forgiveness and healing.
  367. My body is the vehicle to my dreams.
  368. My mind is filled with loving thoughts.
  369. I concentrate on my strengths and try to reduce my weaknesses.
  370. I deserve love, compassion, and empathy.
  371. I am proud of myself and all that I have accomplished.
  372. My struggles are just opportunities to learn.
  373. I’m living in the present and believing in the future.
  374. Happiness flows freely from me.

You can also download the above affirmations as a plain text file by clicking here.

Technology-Based Solutions

You can also use computer software to subliminally flash random affirmations (which you can customize with most such software) on your screen.

Using this type of software ensures you are exposed to your affirmations whenever you’re at your computer.

Note that apps are also available for your smartphones that do the same thing.

Bonus Tip

You could take these affirmations (or, at least, the ones that you find most helpful) and turn them into works of art.

To do this, you would find an image that you love (e.g. using Pixabay) and use some simple design software (I like Canva, which has a perfectly good free option) to place the affirmation on that image.

Here’s an example, which took me less than five minutes to create:

Illustrated affirmation: Today I start loving myself more

You could then:

  1. Use the image as your computer or phone wallpaper.
  2. Create a series of them and use them as a screensaver.
  3. Print them off (or have a company do it for you) and then hang them on your wall at home or in the office.


I hope you find these useful, and as you come to understand how these affirmations are mostly structured (e.g. positive, present tense), you will be able to add more to the list to suit your specific needs and situation.

Additional Resources

These are suggestions for those who wish to delve deeper into any of the above:

  1. Affirmation Software
  2. Canva
  3. Canvas Printing Company
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