A Month’s Worth Of Affirmations To Master Being Calm
Life throws many challenges at us, some of our own making, and some over which we have little to no control.
Dealing with those challenges, detaching ourselves from personal affront, and remaining calm, is not easy, but it’s a super-power that is not only worth acquiring, but which is highly achievable.
You’ll notice that the key, then, is to be in control or your own mind, since this is your most devious enemy, constantly trying to thwart your goals and desires with distractions and unnecessary problems.
This is obviously easier said than done, but mastery of your thoughts is crucial to your happiness.
I’m not saying you should strive to eliminate negative thoughts and worries forever, because that would be practically impossible, but when you have the tools to squash those thoughts quickly, before they can cause additional problems, then you no longer need to fear them.
So, what you have in this report is more than a month’s worth of daily affirmations to help you manage your thoughts, reduce anxiety, and provide focus on what’s truly important.
How To Use The Affirmations
They are listed alphabetically, as that’s as good an order as any, and each day, this is what you should do:
- Choose one affirmation, at random, sequentially, or based on whichever one speaks to you.
- Write it down, either on a Post-It note, on a piece of paper, in an app on your phone, on your computer – anywhere where you will see it throughout the day.
- Consciously recite the affirmation at least five times throughout the course of the day – or more, if needed.
- See how this simple activity will make you calmer, and more effective in all that you do.
So, here are the affirmations, and although I said there’s a month’s worth, it turns out I didn’t know when to stop, since there are actually 42 in total:
- Everything in my life has exactly and only the meaning I choose to give it.
- How I live my life, who and what I love, and what I learn are the most important things to me.
- I accept that life is a series of moments, and that every moment gives me a new chance to make a new choice.
- I accept that the world around me may be chaotic but I choose to remain calm anyway.
- I accept there are some things I cannot control, and that’s OK.
- I accept what is, let go of what was, and trust my choices today will take me further along the journey that is right for me.
- I alone decide what is important to me and what is not.
- I always have time to pause, take a deep breath, and start over.
- I am aware of and appreciate each and every gift, however small, that life has to offer me – even those that do not at first look like blessings.
- I am calm when I take a deep breath and choose to be the only one who controls my thoughts. Nobody and nothing else controls what goes on in my head.
- I am efficient in the use of my physical and mental energy, and do not expend more than is necessary for my immediate needs.
- I am enough. I have enough. I do enough. I live right here in the moment.
- I am grateful for my blessings and the people I care about.
- I am me, whole, unbroken, here, breathing mindfully, because I belong here.
- I am on my own journey and am not in competition with anybody else.
- I am respectful and kind, even to those whom I dislike and whose behaviour I find unacceptable, because I am a strong person of good character.
- I am the product of all my experiences and feelings, and I choose to use those to improve myself and my life.
- I am whatever I want to be, right now, at this very moment, and I can always let go and start anew.
- I am where I need to be right now – not too late, not too early.
- I appreciate my life for what it is, right now, and am not responsible for what others assume or want my life to be.
- I believe in me and know that I am always enough, whatever the situation.
- I choose myself, today, and every day, because my happiness is a priority for me.
- I choose to think positive thoughts while overcoming the negative ones.
- I fix problems I can fix and do not worry about what is outside of my control.
- I focus only on what I want to develop and grow.
- I focus only on what’s important and avoid all unnecessary drama and BS.
- I know I have made poor choices in my past, which I learn from and which I am OK with, and that those choices neither define me nor predict my future.
- I know my life is a result of both choices I have made and chance, and that my journey is not finished.
- I know that by focusing on what I can control, I have more time to create a better life in the long run.
- I listen first and foremost to me, and not to the hubbub of the world around me.
- I live my life day by day.
- I look forward to the lessons I learn along the way.
- I maintain my own standards and do not expect others to live up to them.
- I respect myself and give myself the care I deserve.
- I spend my time and energy addressing the problem and only the problem.
- I trust my journey, and that what’s important to me changes with my needs.
- My actions speak for themselves.
- My calmness is feeling centered at all levels, even though the world around me may be chaotic and difficult.
- My progress is only important to me.
- My worries are not my reality but merely thoughts.
- To keep my life simple, I only fight today’s battles. Yesterday’s battles are history, and tomorrow’s battles are as yet unknown.
- When people are not nice to me, I know that only means they are unhappy.
Bonus Idea
You can also use computer software to subliminally flash random affirmations (which you can customize) on your screen.
Using this type of software can ensure you are exposed to your affirmations whenever you’re at your computer.
Apps are also available for your smartphones that do the same thing.
I hope you find these helpful, and as you come to understand how these affirmations are structured (e.g. positive, present tense), you will be able to add more to the list to suit your specific needs and situation.
Additional Resources
These are suggestions for those who wish to delve deeper into any of the above: