5 Herbs & Spices To Help You Calm Down

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately?

Perhaps something has felt off but you cannot quite name what it is?

Maybe you have just felt down without an explanation as to why?

Maybe you have been feeling more anxious than normal as of lately?

Our diets are one aspect of our lives that should not be forgotten when we consider wellness and living calm. There are herbs and spices that can help you live well if you just include them in your diet.

Let’s explore a few of these natural herbs and spices together and easy ways to consume them.


Basil belongs to the mint family, so you can think of it as peppermint’s cousin.

It can have incredible health benefits that can be used for overall calmness.

It also reduces inflammation, swelling, and assists with managing blood sugar.

Basil is rich in antioxidants and helps to reduce harmful bacteria in some food.

Basil has a plentiful supply of vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, and K.

Additionally it is rich in magnesium, potassium, and iron.

Basil is easy to add to your diet:

  1. It can be added to fruit and salads.
  2. You can make ice creams and sorbets with it.
  3. It can be infused into oils and butters.
  4. And it can be added to tea and smoothies.
  5. It’s one of the key ingredients in the classic Italian pesto sauce.


Cardamom is another helpful herb for managing health and wellness!

It can be used for digestive problems such as diarrhoea or constipation.

It, much like peppermint, can be used for common cold symptoms.

Cardamom can also assist with other physical health concerns such as urinary problems, epilepsy, and high blood pressure.

Because anxiety is often linked with physical health concerns, the ongoing use of cardamom in your diet can help manage feelings of being overwhelmed and promote calmness.

Cardamom also has general immune system benefits.

You can buy it already ground, or you can buy the whole pods and either grind them yourself or steep them in liquid.

Here are a few ways you can use it:

  1. Ground cardamom is a common ingredient in Indian food, especially curries, as well as the classic Moroccan tajines.
  2. You can infuse rice with it.
  3. You can add it to tea to make a masal chai.
  4. It pairs well with fruits, both in savoury dishes and sweet dishes (including rice pudding).
  5. You can include some in bread recipes.
  6. It’s a great ingredient to add to Middle Eastern desserts, such as the wonderfully gooey baklava.


Much like turmeric, ginger has historically been used to calm inflammation, pain, and also nausea!

Ginger has been used to treat menstrual pain, help cure nausea for individuals experiencing cancer, help manage blood sugar and help with countless other health disparities.

Consuming ginger regularly may help soothe the body’s ailments and help us remain calm.

Ginger is easy to include in your diet. You can steep ginger in boiling water and drink ginger tea. It can also be used as a spice on meat and included in smoothies and soups. Find your next dinner recipe with ginger here.


Peppermint is a powerful remedy for many different needs the body has – it is not just for smelling great, although that is a benefit. It should be used often for overall wellness!

Peppermint can be used fresh or be made into oils and used topically.

Peppermint, much like turmeric and ginger, is used to treat pain, nausea, stomach issues (such as diarrhoea), and even common cold symptoms and muscle or nerve pains that occur.

I often use peppermint oil to treat headaches by putting it on my temples and the back of my neck.

I have regularly use peppermint tea to treat stomach issues such as nausea and pain, and as a general digestive.

Peppermint can easily be used every day.

Here are a few ways you can use peppermint:

  1. Fresh peppermint leaves can be added to food or drinks, especially as an herbal infusion / tea (which is very popular in the Middle East and North Africa).
  2. Dry peppermint leaves can also be used as rubs.
  3. Oils can be used on top of the skin to address pain needs. (Please remember to test oil on a small portion of your skin before rubbing it on larger areas to ensure you do not have any kind of reaction to the peppermint.)


This is a powerful spice that has a history of calming inflammation and pains in the body. It is often used by people who experience autoimmune disorders or chronic pain.

Oftentimes people who experience anxiety are experiencing it because there are underlying physical health complications at play. Many people report less anxiety when consuming turmeric. I know when I am in pain or feel sick it makes me feel anxious as well. This is very common. Including turmeric in your diet is a simple way of helping our bodies remain calm.

Here are a few ways you can use turmeric:

  1. You can add turmeric to homemade dressings, marinades, or rubs.
  2. It’s a great way to add flavour and colour to rice.
  3. It make a surprisingly tasty addition to scrambled eggs.
  4. You can also add it to soups or smoothies.
  5. You can use it in tea.
  6. It’s one of the main ingredients in something called Golden Paste, which is a wonderful tonic for both humans and animals.


It may seem simple to add a few spices or herbs to your diet as a way of obtaining feelings of calmness, however being intentional with our bodies is the first step to creating distance from the anxieties that we experience.

One way of being intentional is to focus on what we consume in our diets. Focusing on decreasing any symptoms of inflammation, swelling, headaches, pains, or other ailments via the use of herbs and spices will help us live well.

Natural remedies are good for the body and lacking in potential side effects the way that pharmaceutical medications can. However, while these roots, herbs, or spices are naturally occurring, it is still important to check in with your medical team or naturopath to learn about safe consumption. Please do not assume that just because it is created naturally means that it is always safe. For example, some herbal supplements may make you tired and therefore operating a vehicle or machinery is not safe.

Personally I love peppermint and basil and consume these all the time. I hope that you are able to start exploring delicious and helpful ways to consume herbs, roots, or spices as a way of living well!

Additional Resources

These are suggestions for those who wish to delve deeper into any of the above:

  1. Basil Recipes
  2. Cardamom Recipes
  3. Ginger Recipes
  4. Golden Paste
  5. Peppermint Dessert Recipes
  6. Turmeric Recipes
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